What is TLAP BOT?

TLAP BOT is a platform that allows users magage effectively their Signal, Stategy, Risk Management and Trade Psychology


Receiving signals from a provider can present several challenges:

  • Inability to open a position ON TIME
  • Limited availability to wait THROUGHOUT THE DAY
  • Lack of knowledge in effectively MANAGING RISKS
  • Lack of knowledge in effectively MANAGING POSITIONS

How does TLAP BOT work?

TLAP BOT will help you to:

  • Instantly open a position upon receiving a signal
  • Automatically calculate and strictly follow your risk management
  • Automatically manage your positions, with 100% of positions having stop-loss orders and the stop-loss orders automatically adjusted to the entry point (breakeven)

You can still manage all of your positions on the exchange app

How do Traders become Pro?

How TLAP BOT helps you to be a pro trader

You want to be a trader

A Pro Trader will have to effectively mangage:

  • Expert Signals
  • Desired Strategy
  • Automatic Risk Management
  • Zero Trade Psychology

Start trading smarter and more efficiently with TLAP BOT

You want to be a provider

A Provider would have knowledges and experiences to provide:

  • Right Signals
  • Trusted Followers

Start providing signals for your followers with TLAP BOT